By, Dave Johnson
A trucker's daughter is a special breed
She can cope with life, meet the need.
If something needs to be done and done today,
This resourceful girl will be the one to find a way.

Having lived a life that makes her think on her own,
At a very young age, she will begin to think she is grown.
To her daddy she is special, She is the apple of his eye.
There will be no way for her to find an acceptable guy.

Through out her life, no matter what words are said,
There will always be a strong love for her dad.
She knows how hard he works, she knows of his toil,
She also knows that its his daughter that he will spoil.

He will take her when he can, on a trip she will remember,
Any time is okay with him from January through December.
He will show her things that she will hold forever dear,
Some of which will make her happy, others will bring a tear.

He will show her about life, by seeing what is real,
These trips with him, will show her a great deal.
Learning the ways of other people, her mind will grow,
Later in life this is the things she will be glad to know.

She will have the advantage over most of her friends,
Being able to tell them more often than not how it ends.
Knowing how to look a new person straight in the eye,
And know if they are telling the truth or a lie.
The values he teaches, will often be real strong
From these she may stray, but she will not stay long.
The lessons taught were by the way that he lives,
When daddy loves you he quickly forgives.
Lets look at a new